Long term experience is guarantee of service quality

Goran Kasapović
PartnerAfter graduating at Faculty of Economics & Business in Zagreb in 2001, Goran started his career in Arthur Andersen in year 2001 and continued it in Ernst&Young.
In both companies, he led audit and due diligence teams for clients from retail, food processing, construction and oil industry.
He was also lecturer at internal seminars on International accounting standards and audit methodology.
In year 2006, together with partners, he founded SKT revizija and took over responsibility for managing company and providing services to clients from different sectors.
He is certified auditor, member of Croatian audit chamber and ACCA member.

Josip Teklić
PartnerJosip graduated at Faculty of Economics & Business in Zagreb in 2001.
He started his career in Ernst&Young, where he led audit and due diligence teams, mainly for financial services sector, but also in retail and services sector.
After short spell at Nova Tv where he worked in controlling, he moved to KPMG where he provided services to domestic and international clients.
From 2006, he is founder of SKT revizija, where he is taking care of clients from financial, construction and other industries.
He is certified auditor and member of Croatian audit chamber.

Ivica Granić
PartnerAfter graduating at Faculty of Economics & Business in Zagreb, Ivica started his career in Ernst&Young in year 2006.
He provided services to different clients, mainly banks and insurance companies.
He was also lecturer at internal seminars on International accounting standards and audit methodology.
In year 2011, he joined start up insurance company Izvor osiguranje in CFO position and took over Risk manager role from 2014.
After Izvor was taken over by Generali, he continued career there in Head of accounting role.
From 2022, he joined SKT revizija as partner. He is certified auditor, member of Croatian audit chamber and ACCA member.

Adela Janković
Senior auditorAdela graduated at Faculty of organization and informatics in Varaždin.
From 2006 to 2010, she worked in audit company Baker Tilly Discordia.
From 2011, she is owner and director of accounting firm, while in 2017 she joins SKT revizija, providing services to clients from different industries.

Silvia Sošić Kasapović
Head of accounting and tax advisory servicesSilvia graduated at Faculty of Economics & Business in Zagreb and started her career in 2003 in audit firm Reconsult.
From 2008 to 2016, she is deputy head of finance in company Eurotrade Rovinj.
In 2016, she joins SKT revizija as Head of accounting advisory services, providing services to numerous clients.